Pedro’s Oriental Music Experience

Pedro Martins, our Hedayet intensive student, has been learning oriental music at Hedayet as his elective course for the total immersion programme at Hedayet since Summer 2016. The course has deepened his understanding of the long history of Arabic music in the region.

Originally an organ player, Martins chose the Arabic Lute as his instrument. “I feel that music is one of the best ways to get into any culture and learn its language”, he said. It was an exciting moment to learn the different oriental Arabic scales and how Oriental and Western music influenced each other over history.

Pedro has been studying music as part of his intensive Arabic program at Hedayet since summer 2016.

Students at Hedayet can choose two elective courses in any subject of their choice, when they study the intensive program. This includes a wide spectrum of choices spanning from Women studies to Oriental music and Egyptian cooking.


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